Saturday, April 23, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: My Bamboopink Blog has MOVED!
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: My Bamboopink Blog has MOVED!: "Hello Bamboopink Fans! I have moved my Bamboopink jewelry blog! Please visit I look forward to seeing you there! ..."
My Bamboopink Blog has MOVED!
Hello Bamboopink Fans!
I have moved my Bamboopink jewelry blog!
Please visit
I look forward to seeing you there!
Maxine Drake
Bamboopink Power Team
You can test drive bamboopink for 30 days. Test out our software. Tool around in our consultant back office. See what bamboopink is all about before you commit!
Begin creating your future today!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Your ability to accept responsibility in your life...
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Your ability to accept responsibility in your life...: "Your ability to accept responsibility in your life is essential to your happiness, health and success.It takes discipline to be responsible...."
Your ability to accept responsibility in your life is essential to your happiness, health and success.
It takes discipline to be responsible.
Avoiding responsibility leads to endless excuses and a lack of self worth.
We live in a world today where if someone spills hot coffee on themselves they sue the fast food establishment that sold it to them instead of taking responsibility in the first place.
It takes enormous discipline to refrain from blaming others for our problems.
Deliberately choose to
Be Responsible.
You can't be angry and accept responsibility at the same time.
The antidote to negative emotions is to say;
"I am responsible."
Just another coaching tip from Bamboopink Power Team-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
Monday, April 11, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Your Success in Life depends on the person you ar...
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Your Success in Life depends on the person you ar...: "Your Success in Life depends on the person you are willing to become.You must first develop character and personal greatness.The Successful..."
Your Success in Life depends on the person you are willing to become.
You must first develop character and personal greatness.
The Successful people in the world didn't stumble upon it by accident,
just as any failures (or feedback) didn't happen to people by accident.
Mastering yourself does take discipline.
The good news is that anyone can learn self discipline.
You must practice it. Each day. Every minute.
Discipline yourself to have a Positive Attitude
When you make the choice to be positive your level of self esteem rises and the more you like yourself.
The more you like yourself, the more others want to be around you.
Speak the Truth.
When ever you tell the truth you feel better about yourself and you earn the
respect of those around you.
Just another Coaching Tip from Bamboopink Power Team-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: How do YOU Define Success?
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: How do YOU Define Success?: "Success is measured differently depending on the individual.What would it take to make you happy?What kind of income would you like to earn?..."
How do YOU Define Success?
Success is measured differently depending on the individual.
What would it take to make you happy?
What kind of income would you like to earn?
What would you change in your family life?
Decide what it is you want in life. Then decide how much you are willing to pay to get it.
One thing we can probably all agree upon is that everyone wants to be happy, healthy, thin, and financially fit.
Most people are not willing to to pay the price in exchange for these things.
They will always hold themselves back or have some excuse or justification of why they can't.
You can always tell how much of a price they have paid by looking at their current lifestyle and their bank account.
The price to success must always be paid in full and in advance.
Sixteen year old Mirai Nagasu took second place at the United States Figure Skating Championship in 2010.
As Zig Ziglar says, "The elevator to success is out of order, but the stairs are always open".
If you truly want success, you must learn from the experts, for you will never live long enough to learn it for yourself.
There are several books and audio tapes available from so many writers that deserve recognition, but here are a few of my personal favorites.
Just another Coaching Tip From Bamboopink Power Team-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
Friday, April 8, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Sacrifice Now - Pink Diamond by July 2012
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Sacrifice Now - Pink Diamond by July 2012: "Self Discipline is THE key to Success.The lack of self discipline will lead those to underachievement, frustration, unhappiness and failur..."
Sacrifice Now - Pink Diamond by July 2012
Self Discipline is THE key to Success.
The lack of self discipline will lead those to underachievement, frustration, unhappiness and failure in many areas of their life.
The lack of self discipline causes them to make excuses and sell themselves short.
The biggest enemy of success and life fulfillment is to take the
path of least resistance.
The individuals that lack self discipline seek short cuts.
They arrive to work at the very last second and are the first to leave when given the opportunity.
They look for get rich quick schemes and easy money...
instead of doing the hard work and what is necessary to achieve success.
One of my favorite quotes from Abraham Lincoln:
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six hours sharpening my axe."
Those of us with self discipline understand there is a delay in satisfaction. We have become long term thinkers.
We practice self discipline at all times. We must be in control or our emotions, actions and behaviors, since this is
a reflection of where we are going in life.
Self discipline is a learned skill.
Exceptional people have the ability to make sacrifices throughout their lives in the short term
to ensure good fortune in the long term.
Grow your bamboopink business and start practicing today, so you may shine as a Pink Diamond in July of 2012.
Just another Coaching Tip from Bamboopink Power Team-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Goal Orientation
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: Goal Orientation: "I have written in previous blogs on the importance of writing down your goals.Get a notebook and write down your top 10 goals everyday..."
Goal Orientation
I have written in previous blogs on the importance of writing down your goals.
Get a notebook and write down your top 10 goals everyday. Turn the page each day and keeping writing your top 10 goals without looking at what you wrote the previous day.
When you put it on paper, it gives your goals meaning, like a written affirmation.
It gives your goals power. It is truly a written command to your subconscious mind until that command
becomes a reality.
First, you must write your goals in the present tense.
"I am a Pink Diamond"
Write it as if it were a fact.
Second, put your goal in positive terms.
Instead of writing; "I will not trip over my feet when I dance."
A positive alternative would be,
"I am a talented dancer."
Third, make it personal when you write your goals.
Use "I" with an action verb.
Keep the commands to your subconscious short and simple:
I am a sweeper.
I earn $50,000 a month.
I speak French.
I am a leader.
I am a Pink Diamond.
Write your top 10 goals for 30 days with the format above and something astonishing will happen.
Please share your improvements and success stories in the comment box below.
Just another coaching tip from Bamboopink Power Team-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: What Do You Think About?
Bamboopink Power Team Hawaii: What Do You Think About?: "'The best way to Predict the Future is Create It.'This has been a favorite quotation of mine for many, many years. It falls right into align..."
What Do You Think About?
"The best way to Predict the Future is
Create It."
This has been a favorite quotation of mine for many, many years.
It falls right into alignment with:
You ARE what you think about most of the time.
If you are thinking about your goals and how to reach them on a daily basis, your chances of attaining them are far greater than those individuals dwelling on problems of the past.
A positive person will always see the good in a situation whereas a negative person is busy blaming someone or something for their problems.
If the default in our thinking is on a negative setting, it is our job and responsibility to flip the switch to a positive thought. This takes practice, but with daily persistence you will form a strong, everlasting habit.
A successful person ponders their goals daily and thinks about what they need to do to accomplish it. An unsuccessful person may focus on why it doesn't work, or blames others for their conditions. 
Surround yourself with positive, successful, creative people.
Think about what you want in life and how to get it. Have clear, concise goals written down to look at every day and ask yourself how you are going to get there. Will you get there if you keep doing what you're doing?
Unsuccessful people will make excuses, blame, blame, blame and claim they "can't" do something.
What do you think about most of the time and how is it effecting your personal and professional life?
Just another Coaching Tip from Power Team Hawaii-Pink Diamond Club
Maxine Drake
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